Zine of the Week - Nov. 30th - Dec. 6th
#2 - Hopedance
#3 - Brutarian
Zine of the Week - Oct. 5th - 11th#1 - Underworld Crawl#1, $2 ppd, 30 pp, digest, DTPPOB 1421, Oshkosh, WI 54903 R-lee@new.rr.com
"The premise of many of these short works are so bizarre
that they're brilliant. It draws you in immediately - and
keeps you there." - Alicia Dorr
#2 - Whisp
"I'm not usually into dense writings or comics, but
something about the style here really gets me. Kind of dark
and beautiful." -Alicia Dorr
#3 - Bananafish
"There are a lot of interviews in this zine that spread
the word about amazing artists and writers of all kinds.
The conversational style is interesting so a lot of info
can get through." - Alicia Dorr
Picks for the Week of September 14th - September 20th, 2003#1 - Utne - www.psychotronicvideo.com
c/o Utne Subscriber Service, Box 7460, Red Oak, IA,
51591September/October 2003, standard, 112 pp, $5 ppd"Utne
is an absolutely first-rate publication in every way. Even
though it is professional and glossy full color, Utne is
liberal and entertaining and a true resource for everyone.
Because of the content and layout there is the
over-advertising issue, but every product is something that
readers would really be interested in. That is hot." -
Alicia Dorr
#2 - Psychotronic Video - www.psychotronicvideo.com
4102 Main St., Chincoteague, VA 23336#39, standard, 88
pp, $6 ppd"Reviews of horror, noir and tons of retro films.
Psychotronic always has really compelling interviews and
grabbing articles. I'm not a film buff, but this makes me
want to be." - Alicia Dorr
#3 - Watch the Closing Doors - c/o Fred Argon, 1800 Ocean Parkway #B-12, Brooklyn, NY, 11223-3037#24, half-size, 22 pp, $?"Fred's been publishing this subway/train enthusiast zine for awhile, and his fervor has not waned. I like that kind of steadfastness. I also like the photography." - Alicia Dorr Picks for the Week of September 7th - September 13th, 2003#1 - The Metamorphosis - http://ulyssesdesign.com/metal
c/o Crown Publishers New York, 1745 Broadway, New York,
NY 10019one-shot, hardcover book, 80 pp, $18
ppd"Illustrator Peter Kuper has adapted Franz Kafka's
Metamorphosis into a brilliantly drawn masterpiece.
Seriously, this is a unique idea, and it shows Kafka's
ideas (or any ideas) are just as relevant today as ever." -
Alicia Dorr
#2 - Media Whore -
#1, half-size, 24 pp, $? "Media Whore is a fantastic new
perzine. It's charming, but it's got something to say and
that is what sets it apart from other more diary-like
publications." - Alicia Dorr
#3 - Stircrazy - POB 25148, Rochester, NY, 14625#6, 22 pp, $4 ppd"Stircrazy has some solid writing in it, as well as some fun graphics and photos. The only gripe I have is the $4 price. Still a very good zine, though." - Alicia Dorr Picks for the Week of August 31st - September 6th, 2003#1 - Zine World: A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press - wordofmouth@undergroundpress.org
POB 3300156, Murfreesboro, TN 37133Summer 2003, 63 pp,
$4 ppd"What I like most about Zine World is that it is so
diverse. All the articles, reviews, events and listings are
interesting and relevant to zinesters as well as
underground artists in general. This is an important
publication." - Alicia Dorr
#2 - Chickenhead Zine -
POB 330, Richmond, VA 23218#5, half-size, 40 pp, $2 ppd
or trade"I read this front to back. It's such a great
personal zine. I like that it has an element of dorkiness
to it because, hell, aren't we all? I found this very
engrossing." -Alicia Dorr
#3 - Incendiary Words - www.origin.net/users/pudgym
Picks for the Week of August 24th - August 30th, 2003#1 - Mink -
POB 217, Ottsville, PA 18942#4, mini, 94 pp, send a GD
$1 - you can afford it"Mink is terrific. People put out
personal zines for a reason, but Mink is one of those rare
ones that proves why people READ personal zines. I know
what to expect, I know what it's about, and yet, it
surprises me." - Alicia Dorr
#2 - Writing About Writing -
c/o Dann Berg, 11706 N. 131 St., Scottsdale, AZ 85259#1,
mini, 53 pp"Dann is a zinester in every way. Interesting
and interested, involved and insecure about it, and,
generally, creative. I love his straight-forward nature and
how honest he is about the details of his life. I hope he
continues to develop his talent in new ways like this."
-Alicia Dorr
#3 - I'm Annoyed by Wicker Park and it's Lesser Known Counterparts - 3729 N. Halsted, Apt. 3N, Chicago, IL 60613one-shot, mini/standard/newsletter/tabloid, 20 pp, trades only"I get annoyed by people who care only about fashion sometimes, including myself. I think we all suck. Let's all start being honest and show those parts of ourselves that not only don't suck, but are awesome." - Alicia Dorr Picks for the Week of August 10th - August 16th#1 - Kazoo - www.kimagery.com
c/o Silman & Dameron, 1510 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Chicago,
IL 60660August issue, 12 pp, $2 ppd This zine is
steeped in Chicago (which is, incidentally, where I m
from) but it holds interest for anyone. There are pieces
like Where does the money go? and
Trimming the fat that are informative in a way,
as well as more personal stories. This is very
well-written. - Alicia Dorr
#2 - And the Survey Says! -
c/o Jason Koivu, POB 931333, Los Angeles, CA
90093half-size; 12 pp, copied, $1 ppd This is a
survey zine, aimed at revealing what zinesters think of the
many issues and questions that plague them. For the most
part I think it did it s job well, by taking a random
sampling, and presenting the answers in an entertaining
way. On the other hand, when asking if it is a true source
of information you have to keep in mind the small number of
zinesters that are represented. - Alicia Dorr
#3 - You Are Here - jenm@fastmail.fm
Picks for the Week of August 3rd - August 9th 2003#1 - Ink Reader -
#2 - Sic the Magazine -
J. Godsey Booksellers, 14 Pleasant St. Methuen, MA
01844#3 (Summer 2003), half-size, 50 pp, DTP, $? Sic
is superb. It has articles for everyone from bibliophiles
to creepy bibliophiles to people who like to read books
occasionally. What the hell does happen to dead
people s books? - Alicia Dorr
#3 - Fuzzy Letters are Better - fhabzine@interlog.com #11, 60 pp, DTP, glossy inserted photos, $? A thesis-type zine about letters (as in sent by mail, not the ones that bring you Sesame Street). Organized, clean, intriguing. - Alicia Dorr Picks for the Week of July 20th - July 26th 2003#1 - Bitch - www.bitchmagazine.com
#2 - BOB - www.njghost.com
#3 - Boxcutter - boxcutter@lists.riseup.net
Picks for the Week of July 13th - July 19th#1 - Low Hug - http://lowhug.blogspot.com
#2 - The Urban Hermitt - www.microcosmpublishing.com
#3 - Sister Friend - http://sisterfriend3.tripod.com
Picks for the Week of July 6th - July 12th 2003#1 - Fierce - www.fiercemag.com
#2 - The Urban Farmer's Almanac - www.urbanfarmersalmanac.com
#3 - Parfait -
Picks for the Week of June 29th - July 5th 2003#1 - Doris -
#2 - Slave to the Needles -
#3 - The Justice Xpress -
Picks for the Week of June 22nd - June 28th 2003#1 - Comet - www.cometmagazine.com
#2 - Green Anarchy - www.greenanarchy.org
#3 - Silly Little Trouser Monkeys - http://users.net66.com/-bushwick8
Picks June 15th - June 21st 2003#1 - There's Nothing Good on Television -
#2 - Know Your Regime - www.thesecondrevolution.com
#3 - Escaping Suburbia -
Picks for the Week of June 8th - June 14th 2003#1 - The Big Takeover - www.bigtakeover.com
#2 - Post Amerikan -
#3 - Coldhandsdeadheart -
Picks for the Week of May 19th - 25th#1 - Factory Direct -
#2 Rated Rookie - www.ratedrookie.com
#3 - Angry Left-Wing Mofo -
Picks for the Week of May 11th - May 18th#1 - Reviewer - www.reviewermagazine.com
#2 - h2so4 - http://h2so4.net
#3 - Standing Behind Me -
Picks for the Week of May 4th - 10th#1 - Book of Letters - www.richmackin.org
#2 - We Need to Eat -
#3 - Backwash -
Picks for the Week of April 27th - May 3rd#1 - Pussy -
#2 - My Life as a Liar -
#3 - The Pornographic Flabbergasted Emus -
Picks for the Week of April 20th - April 26th#1 - Layers - www.layersmagazine.com
#2 - Broken Pencil - www.brokenpencil.com
#3 - High Maintenance - www.highmaintenance.org
Picks for the Week of April 13th - April 19th#1 - For Weeks Above the Umbrella - www.the2ndhand.com
#2 - FOUL - www.foulinc.com
#3 - Metal Rules - www.metalrulesmagazine.com
Picks for the Week of April 6th - April 12th# Rant - http://carlarant.tripod.com
# The Abstract Artist -
# Brain Birth -
Picks For The Week Of March 23 - March 29 2003#1 - The CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting - www.microcosmpublishing.com
#2 - Infiltration - www.infiltration.org POB 13, Station E, Toronto, ON, M6H 4E1 ninj@infiltration.org#20 (March 2003), $2 ppd, 32 pp, digest The folks at Infiltration are kickass, bringing their readers to interesting places where they could otherwise not go and making it fun and interesting on top of that. This issue takes you underground the Twin Cities, complete with photos. Very cool. - ADorr #3 - Razorcake - www.razorcake.com POB 42129 Los Angeles, CA 90042#13 (April/May 2003), $3 ppd, 90 pp, standard Razorcake is like my roommate s poop: It s regular, it s consistent, it brings joy and every once in awhile there s a big blowout... issue, that is. - ADorr Picks For The Week Of March 30 - April 5 2003#1 - Ad Infinitum - www.aimmag.com
#2 - You Idiot- www.pickyourpoison.net c/o Nate Gangelhoff POB 8995 Minneapolis, MN 55408#1, $1 ppd, 27 pp, digest
This is so hilarious! There are satirical/funny
articles on things such as religious video games, Satan
in Journey albums, the sad saga of Nick Carter, the
rock solid scientific field of cat astrology
- to name a few. There s nothing quite like reading
someone kick pop culture s ass. It s necessary
and enjoyable. - ADorr
#3 - Breakfast- laplace.compblo.ucsf.edu/~voelzv/breakfast c/o Vincent Voelz 575 12th Ave #3 San Francisco, CA 94118 #3, #3 ppd, 50 pp, digestAn entire zine dedicated to the first meal of the day! The writers tell stories about different breakfast experiences, including a breakfast travel adventure. There s a lot of content on donuts, but that s cool, a lot of people like donuts. Yummy. - ADorr Picks For The Week Of March 9th - March 15th 2003#1 - 1544 c/o Larry 1544 W. Grace St. Chicago, IL 60613#19, $2 ppd, 15 pp, standardLarry always delivers a funny zine with a myriad of topics. It makes me want to move to the quirky building on 1544 W. Grace." - ADorr#2 - Get Bent c/o Ben POB 7273 York, PA 17404#10, $4.75 ppd and selective trades, 5 mini zines all about 12 pp eachThis is a comic based on a Queen song, with each mini-comic dealing with a different character and a different lyric. It s a great concept. Subtly clever, kind of sad, drawn well. Pricey, though." -ADorr #3 - Emerge and See Unity c/o Dakota POB 3 Leola, PA 17540#1, $2 ppd and selective trades, 94 pp, digest"Dakota writes about his experience of being just another guy in middle class suburbia to being diagnosed with mental illness. He also covers all the area in between, explaining in such detail how things changed that you almost don t notice it yourself. He brings new perspective to both sides because he s been there." - ADorr picks for the week of March 2 - March 8, 2003![]() #1 - TMO - www.geocities.com/tmobsession2003 #1 (Winter 2003), $1.50 ppd "Incredible photos, engrossing words, brilliant ideas." -ADorr #2 - Nervy Girl - www.nervygirlzine.com POB 16601 Portland, OR 97292 Vol. 4, No. 3 (March 2003), $4 ppd "Nervy Girl is a much clearer voice for feminism than some of it s counterparts. Each month they pick a relevant theme and examine it from objective places, without losing a personal angle." -ADorr #3 - My Imaginary Boyfriends - myimaginaryboyfriends@yahoo.com
"This is lighthearted and fun. The layout is clean and
it s really engaging. Tr* cute!" -ADorr
picks for the week of February 23 - March 1, 2003![]() #1 - Mouth - www.mouthmag.com POB 558 Topeka, KA 66601-0558 mouthoff@mouthmag.com #76, $4 ppd, 47 pp "Mouth reclaims the handicapped space for those that actually are. It's brilliant, and brimming with unexpected dark humor." -Britzel + ADorr #2 - Semination - www.stinkzone.com/semination 5723 N. Omaha Portland, OR 97217 semination@stinkzone.com #1, $5 ppd, 44 pp "I think I'll let this zine speak for itself in an excerpt from 'Dumb Anarchists Unite!': "Are you tired of being told how to think by our non-leaders? Are you tired of having to explain to people the paradox of an anarchist system?I have the answer. We must overthrow the anarchist movement!" Semination is saying what needs to be said, but never without a little tongue-in-cheek humor. Finally, a breath of non-polluted air." -ADorr #3 - Resident Alien c/o AJC 1810 Sealy Galveston, TX 77550 minkeyking@aol.com #1, 50 cents/trade, approximately 12 tiny pages
"Ajc points out some things that most people never would
think of, about things like 'hyphenated Americans' and
people not wanting what they think they want. This is some
damn good writing, I only wish there was more."
picks for the week of February 16 - February 22, 2003![]() #1 - Impact Press - impactpress.com #43 (February/March 2003) "This is such a great political zine. It brings up the kind of topics that need to be brought up." -ADorr #2 - What Comes Around Goes Around c/o Melanie 6270 St. Rt. 113 Bellevue, OH 44811 rebelgirl89@hotmail.com #1, $1 or trade, 32pp "I don t know if it s the format or the mini-size, but this zine seems a lot more diverse in content than Melanie s other zine, Rebel in Magenta. What Goes Around is well-written. There are so many good thoughts in these pages. Good drawings." -ADorr #3 - Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned c/o Jacob David POB 3050 Eureka, CA 95502 #2, 16 pp
"Jacob s writing style is sharp, the kind of sharp
that pokes you in the ass on some random Tuesday when
you re being lazy and makes you get up and DO
something." -ADorr
picks for the week of February 9 - February 15, 2003![]() #1 The Hungover Gourmet - www.hungovergourmet.com POB 553 Lutherville, MD 21094-5531 Phone: 410.828.9212 Fax: 410.828.0502 #6 (fall/winter 2002), $4 ppd, 46 pp A professor told me once that when you don't know what to write about, you should write about food. When you don't know what to read, reach for the Hungover Gourmet - a medley of delicious food, humor, travel and fun. 5 stars (and you are right in the assumption that it is out of 5). -Alicia Dorr #2 Rock Out - www.angelfire.com/hi5/riveter POB 5027 Chicago, IL 60680-5027 #1, $2 ppd, 52 pp This is an impressive zine and an amazing resource for anyone remotely interested in the world of DIY shows. It is clear, thorough and extremely well-organized. It's nice to hear from the females on this. -Alicia Dorr
#3 Cinema Sewer - mindseyecomics@telus.net #12, $4 ppd, 40 pp
Robin's ability to present the filthy with style knows
no bounds. -Alicia Dorr
picks for the week of February 2 - February 8, 2003![]()
#1. Read Magazine
#21 (Summer/Fall 2002), $3 ppd,
99Adam has that gift of making the most mundane occurance
into one spectacular, comical event. The interviews are
notable, the articles are amusing, and the reviews aren't
all carbon copies of the next. Good stuff. - Alicia
#2. Gunmoll c/o Terra 7009 N. Glenwood Ave. Chicago, IL 60626#3 (December 2002), $2 ppd, 36 ppGunmoll is diverse in all the best ways possible. The varied topics of the articles and experiments are well-researched, applicable and very entertaining. Visually interesting. - Alicia Dorr
#3. Slouch
1700 Golden Gate #24 San Francisco, CA
94115 Phone: 510.208.1709#3, $2.50 ppd, 34 ppSlouch is
vaguely political, subtle and intriguing. Sharp. -Alicia
picks for the week of January 26 - Febuary 1 2003![]() #1. East Village Inky - www.ayunhalliday.com #18, $2 ppd, 38 pp"The East Village Inky has proven itself to be witty, fun, and charming each time it is published. The creativity of Ayun and her family knows nobounds, making for an amazing, unique zine every time." - Alicia Dorr #2. The Neo-Comintern - http://www.bmc@neo-comintern.com c/o Joel Katelnikoff 97 Maxwell Crescent Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada S7L 3Y4#9, $1 ppd, 18 pp"It's easy to get lost in this zine, with it's off-the-wall topics and comic stories. A very clever zine. - Alicia Dorr
#3. The Birthday Diary
c/o Cherry
Thomas POB 931333 Los Angeles, CA 90093#1, $2 ppd, 18
pp"This zine is simple, nothing more than diary entries
from birthday's past. But in the end, though it certainly
not as complicated as others of it's kind, this zine is
revealing - for the writer and the reader." - Alicia
picks for the week of January 19 - January 24, 2003![]() #1. Modest Proposal - www.modestproposalmag.com POB 3211 Tempe, AZ 85280 480.540.4049#1, $2 ppd, 30 pp"Modest Proposal is hilarious. From the front cover to the back it is literally packed with hilarious interviews, articles, lists, and more. There are a few things that need refining, such as the printing which makes some sections hard to read. But with the content and quality of the first issue being so fantastic it is certain that Modest Proposal is on it's way to being a truly superior publication. You don't really know what you're doing with your money - put it in these people's hands where it belongs." - Alicia Dorr #2. Lime 4541 Xerxes Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55410#9, $1 ppd, 18 pp"Ariana's personal style is so simple and fun that it honestly gives me hope about becoming an adult without having to worry about becoming fossilized. When reading this zine I find myself wishing her friends were mine too, and the same goes for her life perspective. This zine reminds me why I want to do almost everything that I want to do." - Alicia Dorr
#3. Psychlone
#9, $1 ppd,
28"This zine is engaging and witty. It has a good balance
of politics and fun, without ever giving up originality.
Impressive." - Alicia Dorr
picks for the week of January 12 - January 18, 2003#1. Glass Houses c/o Arriel 19 Grove St. #3 Arlington, MA 02476#2, $1 ppd or trade, 14 pp"I could not put this zine down, even when the font was so tiny that I had to hold it an inch from my eyes. The emotions coming through in these words makes Glass Houses comfortable and easy to relate to, even when the stories themselves are at their most personal. At times sickeningly depressing and surprisingly hopeful, Glass Houses is a remarkable zine." - Alicia Dorr#2. Polar Bear Vixen - polarbearvixen@hotmail.com c/o Flying Fish Publishing and Distributing Co. 549 N. Jarrett St. Portland, Oregon 97217#34, 2 ppd, 34 pp"I do not know how or why, but I cannot get this zine off my mind. It is often crass, it is entirely devoted to pro-wrestling, it has chauvenistic tendencies and, despite everything, it is one of my new favorite zines. PBV is brimming with humor and delightfully glossy color pictures. Maybe you're not a fan of pro-wrestling or titty pictures, but if you are a fan of zines then I guarentee you will enjoy PBV."
#3. Cineaste
Vol. 28, No. 1 (Winter
2002), $6 ppd, 61 pp+ "Cineaste never fails to impress me.
The articles and interviews are interesting whether or not
you are a film buff. The content and look of Cineaste are
both stellar content - pleasing, uncluttered,
extra-ordinary. This is a quality zine any way you look at
picks for the week of January. 5 - January.11, 2003![]() #1. Crimewave USA - crimewaveusa@mindspring.com issue 14, $3 ppd, 50 pp"This zine stands out above the rest, no question. From start to finish it keeps you laughing and interested. Mark, Linette, and all of their friends are the kind of people who can present anything in such a way that you would devour every word with delight. I would follow these people to hell if that's where they were going. At least I would have funny commentary on how hot it is." - Alicia Dorr #2. Clamor - clamormagazine.org issue 18 (January/February 2003), $4.50 ppd, 66 pp"This is an amazing zine. The content is interesting and the layout is aesthetically pleasing. In issue 18, an issue dedicated to questions concerning technology, there is a page that gives a list of 78 reasonable questions to ask about anything, put under headings such as 'moral' and 'political.' That is just one example of how insightful, interesting and even entertaining this zine is." - Alicia Dorr #3. Counterpoise - civicmediacenter.org/counterpoise Vol. 6, No.1/2 (January/April 2002), $18 ppd, 98 pp"This is an amazing publication. The cover price may be a little high, but it has information on every alternative written resource out there. I love the alternative reviews - they are in depth without giving unnecessary information. I like to imagine my high school librarian buying this, distributing it, and following it like a bible. At least it's a comfort to know that those librarians exist." - Alicia Dorr |